Tips and tricks #3 – Incorporation

Tips and tricks #3 – Incorporation

It seems like readers like things nice and brief. So I’ll keep this to the point and nice and short. Check out our first and second instalments of tips and tricks.

For all you entrepreneurs going down the path incorporation here in Canada, you can go the traditional routes of finding a lawyer or doing it yourself, or you can take a hybrid approach. Enter Law Depot.


Law Depot

Law Depot LogoLaw Depot has offices in Canada, the US, and the UK, but all I have experience with is with the services here in Canada. They offer free legal documents with low-cost customizations and quick incorporation. I had my business incorporated within 48 hours, although I did pay extra for the rush submission. They took care of all the incorporation and the GST number setup! I followed through a wizard and ended up with the exact type of legal structure that I wanted. Quick, cheap, and easy. You will need to understand a little about the share structure that you want, how many shares you want to issue, the cost, etc, but this is pretty standard stuff. I highly recommend at least checking out their offering. If you know generally what you want, it’ll be a great option.


If you’re in the US and looking for a more traditional startup based business structure, there are other services like Clerky that will probably serve the purpose. You’ll end up with the traditional Deleware c-corp that investors are looking for. Clerky does have competitors (as does Law Depot here in Canada), so take a look around if these aren’t hitting the spot.